Thursday, May 6, 2010

Book Recommendation for Those Considering Adopting or Fostering

Adoption Today magazine provided this book review in their April 2010 issue.

Out of Many, One Family: How Two Adults Claimed Twelve Children Through Adoption
By Bart and Claudia Fletcher
Third Degree Parenting,2009, ISBN: 978-0-615- 31538-6,221 pages, $15

“Out of Many, One Family,” is the true story of two remarkable people who decided to grow their family through adoption. That sole decision leads to a 10-year journey creating a permanent home for 12 children, as well as a temporary home for numerous foster children.

Bart and Claudia Fletcher share their experiences, joys and challenges of fostering, adopting foster children and adopting internationally.  By far, “Out of Many, One Family,” is one of the best foster and adoption books available. Because few people have journeyed through so many different avenues of adoption, the Fletchers provide a wealth of information about adoption. The book weaves together the Fletchers’ personal journey with a great user-friendly list of “what they learned” at the end of each chapter which could be essential for parents exploring the idea of adoption. The Fletcher’s openly share the positive and the negative of their adoption and fostering experiences, which creates a
realistic picture of raising children with difficult backgrounds, as well as the unique joy of blending a family together.

Their words of wisdom are priceless, providing a great window into the world of those who feel called to foster and adopt. This book would be a wonderful introduction for those considering fostering or adopting, as well a good read for the more seasoned parent with similar experiences.  I commend the Fletcher’s for creating “Out of Many, One Family” in such an easy-to-read format that kept me flipping the pages to follow their
 journey. I will anxiously await the sequel to their first book.

— Reviewed by Kim Phagan-Hansel

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