Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ukraine's Forgotten Children

Here's a story the BBC did on children in Ukraine who, after reaching age 18, were stripped of their basic human rights and sent to old age homes or psychiatric homes to live out their lives.
You can read about this here.

Christians Adopting More "Special Needs" Children

Christianity Today reports that as countries place tighter restrictions on international adoptions, more Americans are expanding their view of adoption and adopting those with "special needs."
(Please excuse the inaccurate and offensive title of the article.)

Adoptable Kids in Short Supply

But demand is high as evangelicals adopt wider variety of children than ever.  
by Ken Walker

Tighter government restrictions have reduced the number of children adopted from overseas to a 15-year low. In response, evangelicals—more willing than ever to adopt—are broadening the type of children they are willing to take in. More families, for example, are taking special-needs children, older kids, and those in foster care. Meanwhile, agencies are developing childcare subsidies and other programs to facilitate in-country adoptions.